
Skärmar - Internationell forskning, studier och artiklar 




Handheld screen time linked with speech delays in young children  2017 American Academy of Pediatrics 

Do Smartphones and Other Devices Cause Speech Delays in Young Children?

Tidigare forskning har visat att mycket unga barn får ingen pedagogisk nytta av handhållna enheter. 
En ny studie finner att de kanske hindrar utvecklingen.


Effekter av för mycket skärmtittande: (minne, syn, sömn, hörsel, socialt)

-Denna artikel ger en helhetsbild av problemen med för mycket skärmtid för barn, ungdomar och även vuxna!


  • Learning
  • Self-confidence
  • Social skills
  • Emotions and personality
  • Addiction and reward seeking
  • Sleep
  • Weight and overall health 


-Psychology today, studie visar att för mycket skärmtid förstör hjärnan:


-American Optometric Association, skriver om varför man får problem med synen vid för mycket skärmtittande:

Computer Vision Syndrome, also referred to as Digital Eye Strain, describes a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use. Many individuals experience eye discomfort and vision problems when viewing digital screens for extended periods. The level of discomfort appears to increase with the amount of digital screen use. 


-UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) Newsroom, pratar om hälsorisker med teknologi och digitalisering

As we hurtle with delight into a future where a wristwatch can tell us how many steps we’ve taken each day and a few taps on a screen can bring up a video chat with relatives several time zones away, we need to be more mindful of the costs of technology.



-Digital responsibility, pratar också bra om hur digitalisering skapar problem inom olika områden som psykologiskt, socialt och hälsomässigt:

Technology can have a large impact on users' mental and physical health. Being overly connected can cause psychological issues such as distraction, narcissism, expectation of instant gratification, and even depression. Beside affecting users' mental health, use of technology can also have negative repercussions on physical health causing vision problems, hearing loss, and neck strain. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to help alleviate these health issues.



-National sleep foundation, pratar om teknologins påverkan på sömnen:



-Daily Mail UK, här tar psykologen Sue Palmer upp de stora risker hon ser att social media och digitalisering har på den psykiska hälsan hos våra barn!

"Why the iPad is a far bigger threat to our children than anyone realises: Ten years ago, psychologist SUE PALMER predicted the toxic effects of social media. Now she sees a worrying new danger...

  • Sue Palmer is a psychologist who realised how dangerous technology could be to young children
  • She's shocked about how even the tiniest have become slaves to screens 
  • Excessive screen-time can lead to obesity, aggression and depression"



Finmotorik, muskelminne, inlärning:



-Medical Daily, resenserar två experiment gjorda av två forskare inom psykologi som testat vilket sätt att ta anteckningar på som är mest positivt för minne och inlärning.

The results of the two experiments suggest that taking notes with a pen and paper, rather than a laptop, leads to higher quality learning, as writing is a better strategy to store and internalize ideas in the long haul. Writing by hand strengthens the learning process, while typing can impair it. A similar study published in Intech found writing by hand allows the brain to receive feedback from a person’s motor actions, and this specific feedback is different than those received when touching and typing on a keyboard. The movements involved when handwriting, “leave a motor memory in the sensorimotor part of the brain,” which helps the person recognize letters and establish a connection between reading and writing. The researchers believe since writing by hand takes longer than typing on a keyboard, the temporal aspect may influence the learning process.



-Brain training, healthier mind, Neeuro, skriver om varför det är så viktigt att skriva för hand för lärande, kognition, minne och som en senso-motorisk övning.


  1. Handwriting activates a unique neural circuit, which makes learning easier. 
  2. More ideas are expressed when one writes by hand.
  3. Cursive writing may be a path to treating dyslexia.
  4. Note taking among college students is a good memory booster.
  5. Writing by hand strengthens the learning process thereby producing a healthier mind, while typing produces “mindless processing.”
  6. Handwriting is a key step in cognitive development.
  7. Writing by hand — and even going beyond that — sketching, drawing, doodling, is a necessary mode of human connection
  8. Handwriting entails movement, from the holding of the pen to the touching of the paper to create letters; thus is considered a good sensory motor exercise.




Risker för förskolebarn:





-VICE, en bra artikel om internet-, skärm och spelberoende och hjärnans kemi.

A new book out on August 9 called Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids by Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, one of the country's top addiction experts, details how compulsive technology usage and reliance on screens can neurologically damage the developing brain of a child the same way that drug addiction can. Through extensive research, clinical trials with diagnosed screen addicts, and experience treating a variety of other types of addicts, the author explores the alarming reality of how children could be "stunting their own creative abilities" by constantly turning on and tuning in.


"With video games, however, the kid sits and plays for hours of adrenal-elevated fight-or-flight. This is not a good thing. Research has shown that this latest generation of games significantly raises dopamine levels, the key neurotransmitter associated with our pleasure/reward pathways and the key neurotransmitter in addiction dynamics. One study showed that video games raise dopamine to the same degree that sex does, and almost as much as cocaine does. So this combo of adrenaline and dopamine are a potent one-two punch with regards to addiction."



-New York Times, en artikel om olika typer av internetberoende och hur det påverkar barn och tonåringars psykiska- och fysiska hälsa negativt.

"While Internet addiction is not yet considered a clinical diagnosis here, there’s no question that American youths are plugged in and tuned out of “live” action for many more hours of the day than experts consider healthy for normal development. And it starts early, often with preverbal toddlers handed their parents’ cellphones and tablets to entertain themselves when they should be observing the world around them and interacting with their caregivers."



Problem med teknologi och digitalisering i klassrummet: 

-Psychology Today, skriver om varför man inte bör ha Ipads i klassrummen.


  1. There is no evidence they improve learning
  2. iPads only add to the financial problems of our education system
  3. iPads are distracting
  4. Onscreen reading is NOT comparable to traditional reading
  5. Children need less screen time, not more

"There is growing backlash against iPads in the classroom, as there remains no evidence that they help learning, and some experts even argue they could have a negative effect."




-Washington Post, rapporterar om problemen som lärare ser med teknologi/digitalisering i klassrummen:

"Teachers reported that students are distracted constantly. Their memory is highly disorganized. Recent assignments suggest a worsening at analytic reasoning. Further, they wonder if we are creating people who are unable to think well and clearly."



-"There are also discrepancies as to how much of a crutch technology can be to a student. Schools once debated about whether or not certain types of calculators should be allowed in class, as they essentially solved the problems for students that struggled with math. The same may be true for apps that supply quick, accessible answers for problems that a student should actually be thinking about in greater depth."



-Washington Post, en lärares berättelse om hur Ipads har påverkat barnen och hur hon önskar att hon kunde ta tillbaka dem...

"They need time to learn communication skills — how to hold your own and how to get along with others. They need to talk and listen and talk some more at school, both with peers and with adults who can model conversation skills.

The iPads subtly undermined that important work. My lively little kids stopped talking and adopted the bent-neck, plugged-in posture of tap, tap, swipe."



"Detta är verkligen en destruktiv trend som måste stoppas. Google och IT-industrin håller på att ta över klassrummen och utbildningen av våra barn och ungdomar. I Sverige kan man med fog hävda att Apple och Microsoft tagit över undervisningen med tvånget att använda IT samtidigt som man blundar för de allvarliga riskerna för barnens hälsa och försämrad inlärning.  Är det verkligen så vi vill ha det i en demokrati? Och framförallt: HUR MYCKET SKADAR DETTA BARNEN OCH UNGDOMARNA? Från New York Times."


Frankrikes skolminister Jean-Michel Blanquer meddelade den 10 december 2017 i en TV-intervju att mobiltelefoner förbjuds i franska skolor till och med högstadiet. Han framförde även att det vore bra ur hälsosynpunkt om barn upp till sju års ålder rent av inte använde skärmar alls. Den franska skollagen förbjuder redan användning av mobiler under lektionerna. 
(Mobilen är förbjuden i skolsalarna sedan den 12 juli 2010 enligt den franska skollagen (article L511, code de l’éducation))

Steve Jobs och teknologi:





Kaliforniens Folkhälsomyndighet, CDPH, (California Department of Public Health) publicerade den 13 december 2017 en informationsbroschyr som ger råd om hur exponering för strålning från mobiler kan reduceras och informerar om några potentiella hälsorisker som forskningen visat.

”Eftersom användningen av smarttelefoner fortsätter att öka i USA, särskilt bland barn, utfärdade Kaliforniens Folkhälsomyndighet (CDPH) idag vägledning för individer och familjer som vill minska exponeringen för radiofrekvensenergin från mobiltelefoner. Även om det vetenskapliga samfundet inte har nått enighet om riskerna med mobiltelefonanvändning, tyder forskning på att intensiv användning under längre tid kan påverka människors hälsa”,